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Laser Eye Surgery and Cataracts

My Dad read my blog yesterday and phoned me to tell me there is a history of Cataracts within the family and that I should get this checked out before I have surgery.

Having done more research, the consensus of opinion is that you cannot have laser eye surgery after having cataract surgery, unless it is YAG laser, which removes the haze that may develop after cataract surgery. On the other hand having cataract surgery after laser eye surgery is fine.

I currently do not have cataracts and have no idea when they will occur if they ever do. Since most people develop them in their late 50's to 60's or even later, if I had laser eye surgery now I would be without glasses for some 15 to 20 years before I had to consider cataract surgery, by which time I could have IntraOccular lens implants so that I may remain without glasses.

This has raised a few doubts but has not put me off and am still going ahead with the surgery, unless I find out any thing to the contrary or anyone can tell me otherwise.

posted by Alan and Maxine @ 12:13 pm,


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