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Caleb's Wednesday update

Sorry I didn't blog this morning only I've been at the hospital most of the day.

Maxine text'd me this morning to say they were fasting Caleb again today in preparation for the operation he was mean't to have yesterday. After waiting until 3:00pm for an opthalmic surgeon to come and see him, I persuaded him something needed to be done. Caleb's right eye had once again started to swell ever so slightly, but there was an increasing redness around his eyelid and a protrudance that could be seen from the left side of his face. Also what you could see of his right eye, it was not looking at you when his left eye was.

Anyway he was reluctant to do anything and put Caleb through a procedure when he thought there was nothing there they could take away. After signing my consent for the surgeon to do some exploratory work, I sat down and wondered if I had done the right thing.

While I went to collect Caleb from theatre, the surgeon came and saw Maxine. She asked if there was any puss in his eyelid.....the answer was Oh Yes...lots ....and they took it all away. And if his eye looks Ok in the morning he will be able to come home - Boy am I so glad I stood my ground.

Personally I'd have thought they'd have kept him in for another 24 hours after this operation considering the past week, but lets see what tomorrow brings...

posted by Alan and Maxine @ 7:35 pm,


At 9:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm, we really do hope Caleb is better and going home soon. What an awful time for you all.

Love Blondie and The Captain



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